
# Explore Clinkist

Clinkist Management System

The main focus of the Clinkist management system is on dealing with the patient, doctor, and hospital records. In addition,the system lists all of the various hospital departments

Patient Administration

Appointment Scheduling , Patient Registration

Revenue Cycle

Cash Credit Billing, Packages, Rate/Discount Management

Clinical Features

View of consolidated electronic medical records.


Sales, Procurement, Stock Management.

Listen to Your Customer

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Creative Design
Digital Marketing

# Life is for service

Every great business is built on friendship

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What is Search Engine Optimization?

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What is Search Engine Optimization?

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Explore our experts

Offer Special Features

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Dashboard presents the status and overview of the institution.


You can store all the department names and descriptions of the clinic.


You can create, edit and delete doctors. Can manage doctor’s appointments.


You can create, edit and delete patients., documents, payments, and appointments.


You can create, Can manage Today and upcoming appointments.

Human Resources

you can create all the hospital staffs like Nurses, Accountants, Receptionists

# Excellent Ideas for Management The clinic

Solutions for a Smart Clinic

A hospital and clinic management software which enables you to run your core financial, clinical, and operational processes

With Clinkist, which is a web and browser-enabled software, you require no additional licensed softwares for the operating system or database.

Run Clinkist on the cloud and be ensured of its reliability, security, and ability to scale to your needs through its multi-center capabilities.

Run your core operations seamlessly. Actions like patient registration, billing, claim submissions and reconciliation, clinical documentation, inventory management are made easy with Clinkist.

You can also easily improve your staff collaboration with integrated access to data and better controls, thereby improving their productivity and leading to better clinical outcomes.

Receive periodic free updates and upgrades as Clinkist is available as one product across its customer base such as VAT/GST Billing, HMO Capitation management, Coding, etc.

# Have it your way

Here is your Solution for a Great Clinical Journey!

Boost your operations and enhance patient experience with our targeted solutions

Digitize & Automate

Automate your workflows and enable electronic medical records, alerts, and notifications to help your patients

Gain Insights & Scale Faster

Integrate technology into the growth story of your business to enhance engagement and scale faster

What Our Clients Say

Customer satisfaction is a primary goal for Clinkist. To that end, we are passionate about meeting and surpassing the expectations of our varied clientele.

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John Doe
Production Manager
Morbi ante lorem, dictum vel odio vitae, consequat lobortis quam. Phasellus bibendum.
John Doe
Production Manager
Morbi ante lorem, dictum vel odio vitae, consequat lobortis quam. Phasellus bibendum.
John Doe
Production Manager

# explore Clinkist

Running Your Clinic or Hospital

Shouldn’t be so Hard

Don’t get caught in the web of managing your operational, clinical, and financial data.